讲述背上所有的罪进入教导所的前职警察河秀英出狱之后为了仅此一个的目标而直进的故事。 全度妍饰演河秀英,失去一切的前职警察。 池昌旭饰演在寻找真相的河秀英的旅程中,给她带来紧张感的安迪,从他绅士温柔的形象中走出来进行变身。 林智妍饰演为了自己的目的和秀英同行的郑允善,和全度妍打造女性罗曼史。 李政宰短暂登场,但是会留下强烈印象。
A grieving father who lost his daughter in the Sewol ferry incident looks back on his long journey to piece together his lost memory and pick up the pieces of his life in this commemorative film marking the 10th anniversary of the tragedy.
韩国首部啦啦队题材电影《Victory》主演确认!由#李惠利# ,#朴世婉# 主演,赵雅兰,崔智秀,白海,权侑娜,廉智詠,李韩珠,朴孝恩等新锐出演。 《Victory》讲述了1999年世纪末,南端巨济的校内舞蹈组合“弼善”(李惠利 饰)和“美娜”(朴世婉 饰)为了跳舞而组成的啦啦队社团“千禧女孩”一起用舞蹈和音乐展开热烈助威的故事。 《Victory》导演由曾担任《Single In Seoul》《红地毯》编剧及导演的的朴范秀担任,目前已进行首次拍摄。
讲述1909年在远离祖国的哈尔滨为夺回即将落入日本帝国之手的祖国而拼命的独立斗士们的故事。 玄彬将饰演大韩义军参谋中将安重根一角,朴正民饰演比起留下的名字,更先考虑国家的独立斗士禹德顺一角,赵祐镇将饰演与安重根(玄彬 饰)一起为找回失去的祖国 而努力的独立斗士金尚贤一角,全余赟将饰演独立军孔夫人,刘在明将饰演安重根义士的助手崔在亨,朴勋将饰演日本帝国的森田雄。影片将在拉脱维亚和蒙古拍摄外景。 1909年10月26日,安重根在中国哈尔滨成功刺杀了侵略朝鲜的元凶、前日本首相伊藤博文,当场被捕。日本关东都督府地方法院判处安重根绞刑,于1910年3月26日在中国旅顺就义。安重根被当今朝鲜和韩国分别称为“爱国烈士”和“义士”。2014年1月19日,安重根义士纪念馆在中国哈尔滨开馆。
Ernest Hemingway’s influential short story The Killers (1927), has been adapted to film by Robert Siodmak and Andrei Tarkovsky, while Edward Hopper’s painting Nighthawks (1942) is also said to have been inspired by the story. The Killers, an omnibus film comprised of four-shorts, takes motifs from these two classics and borrows some of their imagery as mise-en-scène. The 4 directors unfold the noir world of death and waiting with different senses and sensibilities. Kim Jong-kwan’s Metamorphosis, which depicts the awakening and manifestation of power following bloodsucking; Roh Deok’s Contractors, a pyramid of contract killings and subcontracted labor; Chang Hang-jun’s Everyone is Waiting for the Man, which tracks down a ghostly figure called a mysterious killer; and Lee Myung-Se’s Silent Cinema, an allegory of his longtime dream of cinema and the world. Notably, Actor Shim Eun-kyung appears in all four films, each time in a completely different role, adding to the delight. It’s an unconventional collection of emotional, psychological, and action-oriented films.