日前,加拿大成人女星萨莎·格蕾主演的恐怖喜剧《跳跃剪接》曝光了预告片,她因为刚刚接拍了名导史蒂文·索德伯格新片《应召女友》而备受关注。这部低成本的独立制片,讲述失意导演搭上脱衣舞女郎,因一场意外的车祸得到灵感,开始B级恐怖片之旅,并逐渐陷入疯狂,直至开始杀人并使用尸体的局部器官做为道具。全片充斥着仿真残肢断臂和血浆替代品,恐怖之余,笑料百出,俨然《幸福的黄色电影》及《情色自拍》的“恐怖片”版本,CULT味道十足。预告片中一开始出现在电视屏幕上的赫舍尔·戈登·刘易斯便是一位美国著名的B级恐怖片导演,而该片也正是不足40岁的年轻导演李·德马伯向前辈致敬的作品。剪接师出身的李·德马伯,做为B级恐怖片的死忠粉丝,另辟蹊径,以独特的方式大胆讽刺和挑战独立制片业界中的种种现象,颇有新意,而片名的“Smash Cut”(跳剪)也正是来自他所熟悉的专业术语。女主角的扮演者为现年20岁的萨莎·格蕾,她在刚满18周岁之后就进入了成人电影行业,曾经拍摄过不少的艳照,去年萨莎·格蕾还曾获得年度成人奥斯卡的最佳女演员奖。在主演了《跳跃剪接》之后,她受邀担纲奥斯卡大导史蒂文·索德伯格新片《应召女友》而名声大躁。萨莎·格蕾在采访中表示,她非常欣赏史蒂文·索德伯格的作品,能够有机会与这位名导演合作她非常高兴。据悉,由于是低成本独立制作,该片将直接以发行DVD的方式进入市场,不过,选择这个时候宣传,显然是意在搭上索德伯格新片的顺风车。
Tomas, a frail, shy eight-year-old boy, has been living a solitary life in a drab orphanage sad, friendless and alone. Then a joyous burst of colour comes into his world: Maire O'Donnell, whose smile and spirit light up the darkest room and Tomas's heart. Before he knows it, Tomas is on a boat, sailing to wind-swept Corrie Island off the coast of Ireland, where he meets Alec, her reticent husband who cannot hide his disappointment with the boy.Undiscouraged, Maire introduces Tomas the wonders of his new world. She shares with him the secret of the seals, the mystery of the stone giant and shows him that you can find magic anywhere- if you really look. In this rugged and enchanting world, Tomas thrives. He befriends a pair of island children and rescues an orphan seal pup who join him on his journey of self-discovery. Slowly, Alec too begins to see in Tomas what Maire always has.But when tragedy strikes, Tomas is faced with his greatest challenge yet, for he will lose everything unless he can find and share the magic that's inside him. Risking all, Tomas embarks on a perilous journey where he will need to call on all of Maire's gifts to triumph and come home.A Shine of Rainbows is a story about the transformational power of love- about finding acceptance, discovering magic, and about realizing that rainbows are all around you and within you, too.
影片由加拿大演员、歌手罗伯·斯代法钮克自导自演,Alice Cooper、Iggy Pop、Carol Pope、Henry Rollins以及Moby等众多大牌客串。斯代法钮克饰演的乔伊是新人乐队The Winners的主唱。女贝斯手詹妮弗(杰西卡·派尔)在同一名吸血鬼一夜情之后拥有了神奇的性感魅力,使得乐队瞬间征服台下的所有观众。The Winners成名在望,然而名为Eddie Van Helsing(马尔科姆·麦克道威尔)的吸血鬼猎人在他们身后紧追不舍。
A janitor at a small town ski resort, who also happens to be a little person, has his life dramatica...